Ondska jag inte trodde fanns
"You´re going to lose hogs in a semitrailer no matter what... During the time I worked in rendering, there was large piles of dead hogs every day. When they come of the truck, they´re solid as a block of ice. I went to pick up some hogs one day for chainsawing from a pile of about thirty frozen hogs, and I found two that were frozen but still alive. I could tell they were alive because they raised their heads up like, 'help me'. I took my ax-chopper and chopped them to death."
"When the hogs smell blood, they don´t want to go. I´ve seen hogs beaten, whipped, kicked in the head to get them up to the restrainer. One night I saw a driver get so angry at a hog he broke its back with a piece of a board. I´ve seen hog drivers take their prod and shove it up the hog´s ass to get them to move. I didn´t appreciate that because it made the hogs twice as wild by the time they got to me."
"Like, one day the live hogs were driving me nuts. When an animal pisses you off even though you are going to kill it... Only you don´t just kill it, you go in hard, push hard, blow the windpipe, make it drown in its own blood. Split its nose. A live hog would be running around the pit. It would just be looking up at me and I´d be sticking and I would just take my knife and... cut its eye out while it was just sitting there. And this hog would just scream. One time I took my knife - it´s sharp enough - and sliced off the end of a hog´s nose, just like a piece of bologna. The hog went crazy for a few seconds. Then it just sat there looking kind of stupid. So I took a handful of salt brine and ground it into its nose. Now that hog really went nuts, brushing its nose all over the place. I still had a bunch of salt left on my hand - I was wearing a rubber glove - and I stuck the salt right up the hog´s ass. The poor hog didn´t know whether to shit or go blind."
Samma sak här. Läste om grisarna och grät och mådde skit. Sen insåg jag att det skulle vara samma sak om kossorna, fiskarna och kycklingarna också. Då hoppade jag fram ett kapitel...
Författaren har intervjuat olika slakthusarbetare. Det är arbetarnas citat. Författaren själv är vegan som tur är :)
Jaha nej hon har aldrig jobbat med det. Jag vet inte, de enda citaten var typ det där (och sedan vidare också om kossor och kycklingar osv). Tror inte att de kände ånger, verkar som det iaf av de där citaten att döma. Hur man nu inte kan känna ånger när man gör så hemska saker mot andra....
Var du på föreläsningen när hon var här i Sverige, i stockholm? Eller har du sett den på youtube?